Sunday, February 7, 2010

Mad Men and Sunday sketches

I've had a very lazy weekend. We've not done very much because I was sick yesterday and today it has been raining heavily. So this afternoon, we watched a little of Mad Men. I'm still not sure about Mad Men. While I love the sets and clothes, it's all a bit slow for me. But it's a nice way to spend a lazy afternoon and I did a little sketch inspired by the 50s clothes.


  1. Thanks for the comment on my blog! I was looking at this post and had to comment on how pretty the dress was (and the great sketching skills). I love older style dresses and those shoes are very cute too : )

  2. Thanks Haidy! Someone has offered to buy this so I'm quite excited as it wasn't initially for sale. p.s. I love your new blog entry on doors.


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